September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I just finished reading "'Eight Detectives" by Alex Pavesi which tells a number of murder mysteries that relate to a bigger overarching story, and I've just started "Moonflower Murders" by Anthony Horowitz which I'm told has a "story within a story" that provides clues to the main mystery – Has anyone got recommendations for other murder mysteries with layered plots like that?Not so much anthologies of shorter stories, but ones that are interwoven with each other. Bonus points for historical settings and Christie-esque plots!

    by mydarlingsunshine


    1. SpecialKnits4855 on

      Moonflower Murders is part 2 of a trilogy. Have you read {{Magpie Murders by Anthony Horowitz}} yet?

    2. Horowitz’s other series (Hawthorne) is a little like that but since it is still in progress, we aren’t really sure what the overarching story is really about. They’re fun books regardless.

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