July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ve read lots of post-apocalypse novels, The Road, Wool series, The Fifth Season, etc…


    But I’d like to read one that takes place during and immediately after the ‘apocalypse’


    Preferably not YA or romance. Not my cup of tea

    by cjpr


    1. CheerfulErrand on

      **The Stand** by Stephen King is kind of the classic here, if you haven’t read it already.

    2. On the Edge of Gone by Corrine Duyvis – while it’s YA it’s not ‘the chosen one’ or ‘angsty teenage drama’ tropes. The book happens during an asteroid hitting earth/the immediate aftermath. An autistic teenage girl and her mother find refuge on a generation ship (that hadn’t managed to take off before the astroid hit). No romance storyline either

    3. **Lucifer’s Hammer** by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle has scenes leading up to, during, and after the apocalyptic event.

    4. How about the John Ringo ‘Black Tide Rising ‘ series? I liked it, and I second Lucifers Hammer as well.

    5. unlovelyladybartleby on

      Devolution or WWZ by Max Brooks both start just before the apocalyptic event and the books describe why and how the apocalypse happened and why it wasn’t averted

    6. *Wanderers* by Chuck Wendig. I read it when it came out a few months before Covid hit, so it felt very prescient.

    7. Seveneves by Neal Stephenson covers the apocalypse and after. It is generally highly thought of, but there is a jarring time leap that annoys most people.

      Life As We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer is technically YA as the main character is a teenage girl, but it is very dark, gritty, and sad.

      Emergence by David Palmer can be hard to find but is great! It follows an 11 year old girl genius after a nuclear war wipes out human civilization.

    8. Victorian_Cowgirl on

      The Stand by Steven King

      Blindness by Jose Saramago

      MaddAdam, the series by Margaret Atwood

      The Girl with all the Gifts by M. R. Carry

      The Andromeda Strain by Michael Crichton

      Who Goes There? by John W. Campbell

      Left Behind, The Series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B Jenkins

      The Great De-evolution Series by Chris Dietzel

    9. Earthseed duology by Octavia Butler (#1 is beginning and during, #2 is still during, but focuses on the impact of what happened during the first years and the belief in a new vision) there are romantic relationships, some are important to the story, but I wouldn’t label it romance

      MaddAddam triology by Margaret Atwood

      The Kraken Wakes by John Wyndham (brillant, short novel written in the 50s by a master writer, with a story that ties in with our current predicaments and paints a truly scary future)

      The Day of the Triffids by John Wyndham

      Blindness by Jose Saramago

      Nightfall by Isaac Asimov

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