September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Quite often I read books where the main character turns out to be some incredible person and they just have taken time to discover it. I don't find this very relatable. I prefer a main character that is unremarkable on her own but when faced with the struggles of life she makes her way through it. Of course I don't mean uninteresting but rather just not otherworldly skilled, clever or determined. Principled is great though. Someone like Jane Eyre for example.

    by Alseids


    1. Smooth-Review-2614 on

      Paladin’s Grace by T Kingfisher. 

      Actually every book by Kingfisher is like this. It in her horror, fantasy romance and fairytales.

    2. Remnant Population by Elizabeth Moon. Space colonist in her seventies decides to stay behind when the rest of the space colony gets evacuated.

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