September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I'm looking for a book with a romance storyline that is central to the plot but isn't the WHOLE PLOT. Tried looking for books under the romance genre on Goodreads but they all too 'romance-y' (what was I expecting!). Both need to be strong characters and key parts of the storyline. I'm not too fussed about the genre tbh, action, sci-fi, YA, Dystopian or just regular fiction, anything is fine, preferably where the couple end up together 😁

    Some of the relationships I like in books:

    • Julia and Campbell in My Sister's Keeper

    • Reaper and Mustang in Red Rising

    • Katniss and Peeta in Hunger Games

    • Day and June in Legend

    I'm reading Red Rising atm and it's the first time in a long time where I've really liked the romance, so now I need MORE!

    by SeptemberRain001

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