September 2024
    M T W T F S S


    1. gulielmusdeinsula on

      I’ve found the fiction that isn’t too dense fits in nicely for that itch. Go find best-of lists for different genres – mystery, thriller, romance, historical fiction, women’s literature, humor, biographical etc. – and the read one or two in each genre. Avoid the “higher end” literature. The consensus best of almost any genre is going to generally be very readable and you’ll naturally find which other genres suck you in.

    2. Sad_King_Billy-19 on

      The world of 5 Gods series. Robin Hobb’s books.

      Sci Fi you can try The bobiverse, The Zones of Thoughts, Dune, Vorkosigan series, Andy Weir’s stuff.

    3. Have you read the Lies of Locke Lamora? Its really fun. The characters are relatable and the world-building is interesting. Lots of mischief and mirth.

    4. I read a lot of fantasy last year, but this year I’ve found myself drawn more towards post-apocalyptic stories (maybe I’ve become more of a cynic), dramas, and thrillers.

      Some I’ve enjoyed – and found very readable – are:

      *The Moon of the Crusted Snow* by Waubgeshig Rice (post-apocalyptic, a bit slow but atmosphere makes up for it imo)

      *The Book of the Unnamed Midwife* by Meg Elison (quite gorey/bleak if memory serves right)

      *Confessions* by Kanae Minato (thriller, lots of twists and turns)

      *Beartown Trilogy* by Fredrik Backman (drama, Backman never fails to make me both laugh and cry – amazing at creating very human characters)

    5. “Unconquerable Sun” by Kate Elliott is a space opera that re-imagines Alexander the Great as a lesbian space princess, told through the eyes of her supporters. Ton of fun, no real sex scenes, but still something you can read casually. As a warning, it’s a trilogy but only two books are out now.

    6. BunnyButtAcres on

      The Discworld series by Terry Prachett if you haven’t already. And I enjoyed The Fairy Wars by Herbie Brennan.

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