September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    A show that I really love ended on Friday – The Grand Tour (previously Top Gear). I know it’s „just a tv show“… but it’s been around for 22 years and I basically grew up watching the presenters banter and joke around.

    (Spoiler in case you’re planning to watch it) >! In one of the last scenes they’re back at a location in Africa that they visited in the early days of the show. It was shown as split footage, switching back and forth between the young and now old men walking up to and touching a tree. I remember watching that older episode when it first came out as if it was yesterday. It was really shocking to see just how much the presenters have aged in that time, and think how much I’ve aged and changed too. !<

    Can someone recommend me a book that has a similar melancholic / nostalgic feeling? Not exactly where the main character is full of regret and wants to be back in the past, but rather they’re melancholic about the passage of time in general / friends going separate ways / trying to let go of but still holding onto the past.

    For reference I loved Piranesi and The Secret History, I think they both capture some of that feeling.

    by looks_like_rain_ted

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