September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I'm 15 years old and am recently trying to get into classics again. I really enjoyed English Literature at school but struggled to get into classics outside of the school curriculum. I adore Shakespeare (when watched/taught) and enjoyed An Inspector Calls (the book we're studying in class).

    I've tried multiple times to get into classics, I finished the entirety of Les Miserables but I was only able to get through it because of the musical. I've attempted to read Pride and Prejudice but gave up half way. Same thing happened with Great Expectations, Dorian Gray, 1984 etc. I've just finished The Metamorphosis and am completely weirded out.

    Basically I'm quite lost and don't know how to properly read classics and I need help and suggestions. A book I am wanting to read is Crime and Punishment, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to get into it either so I'm just a bit lost

    by Janiece_nerd

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