September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I'm apologize in advance if my question is vague, but I've looking for something for which I don't have a name yet.

    I love reading longform articles and essays about personal experiences where the author talks of something near and dear to them, but there's nothing of high stakes at play. And maybe nothing seriously bad happens?

    This can be about a guy, reminiscing about his grandma who used to cook this traditional dish he loved so much, while buying a restaurant. Or a woman who tries to relearn her native tongue to better communicate with her mother, …

    Reading such articles feels like taking a walk in a breezy summer day, eating ice cream while enjoying the birds' tweets.

    Are there books like this? Are there books that can play the role of a happy place where you can take escape from the reality?

    by fromtunis

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