September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    My brother's hit a bit of a rough patch and has openly admitted to me that he's depressed. He's working a job he hates, his girlfriend broke up with him, and from what I can tell he hasn't got any close friends for emotional support. Don't get me wrong, he's the life of the pub and gets on with everyone—literally everyone—he'll play games with the kids, have a laugh with the lads, charm the cool tatted barlady, and then go back to chatting about some obscure war history with the old folks.

    He's drifting though, and I think he's lacking a clear goal in his life, as well as some kind of creative/active hobby. He seems to spend his days watching TikTok/Facebook/Instagram videos, and I'm worried it's rotting his brain a bit, and wondering what the perfect book would be to get him out of this fast-food media consumption.

    Basically I'm wondering if there's a book that would speak to him, inspire him, teach him something, and maybe comfort him in some way.

    He's always been into fantasy; David Gemmell, J. R. R. Tolkien, that kind of thing (my fantasy knowledge is lacking—I've always been more of a sci-fi gal myself). But he's also bloody smart, he knows a lot about history, so anything that could teach him something new would probably be up his street too.

    Thanks in advance for any suggestions.


    by badaustralianaccent

    1 Comment

    1. Try Kings of the Wyld

      Fantasy, lots of humour to liven it up, but there’s a deep underlying emotional journey in there.

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