September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    My brother fell into christian fundamentalism and I'm having a hard time holding up discussions with him. He thinks I'm 'misguided' for dating women as a woman and follows a quite homophobic ideology. Growing up we were close and honoring this we are still in dialogue even if it can be really exhausting because of our clashing opinions (we are both in our middle twenties now).

    The last time we had a longer conversation I agreed to read some christian stuff and in return he agreed to read a queer autobiography. I'm eager to use this chance because I think a well written autobiography is a very powerful tool to widen your perspective of the world. So now I really need help to find a suitable book!

    It shouldn't be too sexual since I assume this would put him off.

    Also I think something gay might be good since the wide spectrum of queerness might be too overwhelming in this case.

    The condition he set is a page limit of 200.

    I'd be really grateful for suitable ideas and recommendations!

    by lenticularis3


    1. InternationalHawk345 on

      I unfortunately don‘t have a suggestion, but comment for visibility, best of luck OP!

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