September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Looking for a good collection of short stories on Audible, or books that are 2-4 hours or less, maybe a series.

    I like historical fiction, classics, drama, mystery/intrigue/spy,/political, adventures, London, cold war, WW1 or WW2.

    Nothing graphic/violent/supernatural. Nothing with too many characters or too many details to keep up with. Don't really care for anything in a modern setting/time period.

    Just finished Dead Man's Call by John LeCarre. I really liked it! Going to continue with this series, as at least the next one or two are fairly shortish (around 4 hrs). I love the cold war, the London atmosphere of fog and rain! And the simple but intriguing story, well written and short enough!

    Looking forward to your recommendations! Thank you!

    by International-City75

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