September 2024
    M T W T F S S


    Am hoping to be recommended any books that discuss immigrants’ journeys from the 1800’s-1940’s (based in the USA, or, other countries!) Since there was a huge wave of immigrants worldwide during this time period, I’d love to read more about this, as I’ve been really impressed with their hard work settling in their new country. Want to also learn more about the formation of unions, and, the rise against working conditions during this time – plus, labor exploitation.

    Fiction would be great – am also open to non-fiction.

    Now reading, “The Jungle”, and I love, love, love it!

    by MidnightBlueOnYou


    1. If you don’t mind fantasy, then The Golem and the Djinn by Helene Wecker is set in 1899 New York and explores the immigrant experience via two folkloric characters and their stories.

      The Story of the Forest by Linda Grant is about Jewish immigrants who find themselves settling in Liverpool rather than America because of WW1.

      Following to see what other suggestions you get!

    2. SpecialKnits4855 on

      {{Straw Dogs of the Universe by Ye Chun}} is a multigenerational epic of 19th century California, where Chinese migrants settled to work on the Transcontinental Railroad (or to be enslaved in brothels) .I don’t think there is much mention of unions, or the part this migration played in union development. It’s a well-written book, and I learned a lot about this period of American History.

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