July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello I just finished this amazing book and i have not been able to get it out of my head. It was dark academia, boarding school, academic rivals to lovers and it was amazing. I’ve been trying to find books similar to it but everything so far has been the exact same books that I have already read. Btw the book I read was Spearcrest Saints by Aurora Reed. Please let me know if there are any good recommendations that are similar :)). I would love some academic rivals to lovers where the mmc is just very in love with the fmc and just kisses the ground she walks on.

    by Leather_Design_3965

    1 Comment

    1. Savings-Delicious on

      I haven’t read the book you mention but your description of it reminded me of the first book of the poppy war trilogy. You may give it a shot

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