September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I'm trying to find book recommendations for my 4th grader and I'm thinking back to my childhood and what books I enjoyed reading. Only 2 really stick out and I was able to find one for her but there's another one that I just can't remember much about it other than some of the characters and minor details of the book. I can't really remember the plot but I do remember it was a mystery/thriller. The main character is a 16 or 17-year-old girl, she has a younger brother and I think her mother is still living. For some reason they had to move back to her grandmother's house. I want to say it was because her dad died but I'm not 100% on that. Could be that she doesn't even know who her dad is and she may have found them after she moved (I really wish I could remember). I remember she had a boyfriend before she moved and she was a little upset that she had to leave him behind. I think another boy was interested in her after she moved and then think I remember her boyfriend came to visit after she moved at some point and I also want to say that he turned into a villain in the book. I vividly remember when she describes her grandmother, her grandmother looked and acted a lot longer than she really was. I read this book between 1999 and 2001 But I'm not sure when the book was written or who it was written by. It's not at all sci-fi or magical But it's also not based on a real person or event. I know it's a very vague description and I'm not giving a lot of detail but I'm hoping somebody knows what I'm talking about.

    by Senior_Charge_3011

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