September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m 21F and have gotten back into reading for the first time since high school about a year and a half ago. I got a lot of recommendations from booktok cause a lot of the creators are women my age and I figured that it would be a good place to look. A lot of them i’ve really enjoyed but some not so much. I love fantasy and romance but like…good fantasy and romance. I’m currently wrapping up fourth wing and it’s really disappointing after all the hype. a lot of the plot is decent and I appreciate the chronic illness representation and that the protagonist is my age but a lot of it is so corny and I think the world building is sloppy. But idk if i’m ready to jump into something like brandon sanderson either. I feel like i’ve been reading the same type of book over and over again and my brain is rotting and I want something that’ll make me think and actually do my mind good instead of copy paste plots. But i’m mainly a fiction girl and want to have fun reading and learning from the book. any recommendations would be appreciated, thank you!

    by user8203421

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