September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I'm looking for fiction that features a character who has moved to another country and is experiencing culture shock or finding it hard to adapt to life there. An example of a book I've already read like this is Far Afield by Susanna Kayson.

    Ideally I'd like it to hit as many of the following things as possible:
    – the character is a westerner who moves to a developing country or one that's very different to their home country by choice for a job or for new experiences, rather than someone who is forced to leave their own country
    – they should be setting up life there rather than going on an extended holiday or backpacking
    – the character should be there alone or with a partner, I'm not particularly interested in books that centre around children/family life
    – adult character, maybe 30+
    – shows the highs and lows of moving to a new country in a realistic way

    Thank you for any suggestions you have.

    by Virtual-Two3405

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