September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    My friend and I are looking to read a standalone book together. We have both been looking online and can't find a good one. It doesn't really have to be fantasy, but I hate the real world. It's so brown gin my opinion.
    If u have any good recs, please lemme know!

    by FernDAelf

    1 Comment

    1. Cursed by Frank Miller and Thomas Wheeler

      Great YA fantasy novel. I’ll warn you though, it is a standalone but both the book and the show they made after it all end with a cliff hanger hinting at more to come. But the show was canceled, and the authors have no intention of writing more books as far as I’m aware.

      From what I remember reading when it first came out, the authors left the ending open as of means of leaving it to the readers imagination to fill in what comes next. They have no plans nor did they ever intend to write more books.

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