September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Saw the thread about treasured books and the OP saying they had read a particular book many times, and I got to thinking that I own books I've never read. And a couple I don't intend to read. I mean books well-meaning people gave me but they're not up my alley. Or books that I got excited about at the time (when a movie came out for instance) but later regretted the purchase. And some that I had to buy for my college courses which I dropped but never returned the books. And on and on and on.

    These books include Joyce's Ulysses (too hard for me, never got past the first few pages), New Moon (why would anybody think I'm into the Twilight series), Campbell's Biology (never took the course), A Million Little Pieces (questionable authenticity), King's The Shining (should have read the book before having seen the movie), and a couple of self-help books I'm too embarrassed to even name.

    by mafia_baby


    1. I bought a copy of Animail Farm because it was part of a set of classics and I doubt I’ll ever read it. Once in the late 90’s was plenty.

    2. I intend to read all my books, I just haven’t gotten to them all yet. Any I don’t intend to read, I have donated already.

      Someone – I forget who – made an analogy to a wine cellar. You buy wine. You put it in the cellar. At some point it will be the right time to drink it. Books are the same.

    3. The Three Musketeers, Don Quixote, and Moby Dick.

      My Daddy bought them in the 90s to fill his bookshelf, and I thoroughly enjoy classic lit, but don’t know if I have it in me to tackle them myself without the guidance of a lit class. Maybe I could find a “workbook” or materials teachers use to teach them and go for it that way

      But they’re my father’s a pretty copies, certainly not going to just get rid of them

      And The Shinning is absolutely worth it – seen the movie dozens of times and read it bc it’s a favorite. A lot is different about the book, and it’s such a good read.

    4. I own plenty of books I have not read. But over the last year or so I have severely cut back on buying new books and have been really catching up on all the ones I own but have not read yet. I do have some that I don’t intend to ever read, but I am planning on getting rid of them, just have not bothered to actually get rid of them yet.

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