September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I own a book that is kind of worthless because it's damaged, missing its front cover, and got it free in a garage sale. It was in the free pile, along with some cracked plastic cups and clothes hangers.

    But it's the first book I recall that I had "bought" myself as a kid.

    What was it called? Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

    There were pages that made me laugh, ones that puzzled me, and ones that were deep philosophy for me:

    “Alice asked the Cheshire Cat, who was sitting in a tree, “What road do I take?”
    The cat asked, “Where do you want to go?”
    “I don’t know,” Alice answered.
    “Then,” said the cat, “it really doesn’t matter, does it?”

    I read it over and over again, and it kept my imagination wild.

    Now, years later, It sits in my shelf, yellow with tea, some pages torn and wrinkled, worth nothing…yet filled with memories.

    by phatsun


    1. ihavegarlicsalt on

      my best friend’s favorite book is A Farewell to Arms and as a high school graduation present she gave me her copy and wrote a letter to me on the inside 🙂 it’s been eight years and i still have it on my shelf and will never get rid of it!! but i still haven’t read the book because i got too scared of losing it or something happening to it

      i told another friend about it and he gave me an extra copy he had so i could use it as a “reader’s copy” and keep the one my best friend gave me as my “precious copy”

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