September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    reading is my entire personality so when meeting new people i always tell them my greatest passion and my only hobby is reading. and they ALWAYS ask, “what do you read?” and i NEVER have an answer prepared. i truthfully just go with the flow, reading anything and everything i come across but nobody ever seems satisfied with that answer. what do y’all usually say? do you list genres? titles? authors? or are you just as lost as i am?

    by caterpillarzugh


    1. RepulsiveLoquat418 on

      i like history and fiction and sci fi and mysteries, etc. it’s not that hard. they’re trying to get to know you better, so let them.

    2. It’s helpful to have an answer prepared because technically you could be reading the TV Guide, the dictionary, or Heidegger’s Time and Being, and in all cases you could say you are passionate about reading.

      So you could say you’re into fiction, nonfiction, philosophy, ancient history, romance, whatever. Just something a little more specific than “reading.” Because although you say you read anything and everything, you’re probably more specific than you admit. So look for a pattern and you will find what really grabs your attention, what you really enjoy reading.

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