September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    So, I'm a huge fantasy book reader but I've been told that I'm not reading 'real books', because I read fiction and I don't plan on listening to a bunch of assholes that can't let people enjoy their books but I do want to branch out and try books of other genre. So, I need suggestions in the sci-fi and history categories. Like a history book that talks about all the crazy shit that happened in history that will make you think that, "there's no way this happened." I'm open to books from other genre as well. I'm just trying to broaden my horizons.

    by Zegrade

    1 Comment

    1. hmmwhatsoverhere on

      >Like a history book that talks about all the crazy shit that happened in history that will make you think that, “there’s no way this happened.”

      You are looking for *The Jakarta method* by Vincent Bevins.

      Regarding scifi, here’s a few of my favorites:

      *Children of time* by Adrian Tchaikovsky

      *Dawn* by Octavia Butler

      *Hyperion* by Dan Simmons

      *Dune* by Frank Herbert

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