September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    One book that I found incredibly insightful and ended up highlighting extensively is "The Creative Act" by Rick Rubin. Its depth and wisdom on creativity truly resonated with me. Another standout is "Big Magic" by Elizabeth Gilbert. Both books offered profound reflections and practical advice that made me marking it up on nearly every page.

    by Constant-Training994


    1. Novel-Structure-2359 on

      The department of defense guide to interview and interrogation was both enlightening and worrying in equal measures

    2. *The Wisdom of the Sands* by Antoine Saint-Exupéry. Its like a hybrid of philosophy book and a novel without a single page wasted. I made a note about almost every page and often times multiple notes about a single page.

    3. hmmwhatsoverhere on

      I’m not the kind of reader who highlights books (otherwise my own markings would end up distracting me). But if I were, I’d have done this with *Kindred* by Rebecca Sykes and *The dawn of everything* by Davids Graeber and Wengrow. Nearly every page in both books caused me to make some notes in a separate document.

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