September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I bought three books from an online store (NOT second hand) , and all three books came with some damage to the cover. One paperback has weird lines on the bottom of the spine as if it was dropped, one of the hardbacks has a scratch on top at least 10cm long (deep enough to leave a scratch on both the dust jacket and the hardback underneath), and the second hardback has a crinkled dust jacket in one corner.

    I can probably straighten the last one by putting some heavier books on it, but I'm seriously considering returning the other two books. On the other hand, I wonder if I'm being too fussy? The damage is not too serious, but I do like my books pristine and that's what I expect to receive when I buy them new.

    by shinneui


    1. entertainmentlord on

      I’ll be honest, as long as im able to read it, pages aint falling out or anything. I am fine with it. If you want to buy books in perfect condition then ya gotta do it in person.

    2. thewandererhere on

      If it is a hardback, and the dust jacket is damaged, I will return it for another.

      If it is a paperback, I won’t usually care, since I know it will get some wear and tear anyway.

    3. Adorable-Program1734 on

      As long as it’s not dirty or falling apart, I’ll buy it. I find used book shopping frustrating though bc half the time sellers don’t post pictures of the actual copy just a generic photo and the condition description isn’t always accurate. Very good condition on some listings is worse than what I see listed as just acceptable or good.

    4. It depends on the listed condition in the sale. If condition wasn’t specified, no biggie. If they were listed as in new or like new and they came in damaged, I’d return or ask for some partial refund maybe.

    5. JustCallMeNerdyy on

      I base it on where it came from, if it’s I truly don’t care how it comes (but they always come better than books I’ve purchased from Amazon) simply because I don’t want to inconvenience them which I know is kind of silly but again, I’ve never received anything less than perfect from them. Other than that, I shop in person at a local bookstore or pickup from Barnes and Noble (Amazon is a rare place for me to shop, I’d rather spend more to avoid them and shop local) and my B&N always makes you look at the book and verbally verify that this is what I ordered and they’re more than happy to switch it out if I notice something but again, it’s only happened a couple times in several years for me.

      In your case, I’d probably fuss over the first hardcover with the scratch but not the other two, either of those could’ve been caused by the carrier that delivered it to you and imo once it’s out of their hands, the order has been fulfilled unless it’s lost entirely (any reputable business insures their packages anyway)

    6. If Im buying a brand new book, I expect brand new condition. If Im buying second hand, I prefer to buy in good but used condition without markings inside the books and thats what I expect to recieve. If I dont recieve that, it needs to be returned and I either need my money back or I need the book condition I paid for.

    7. I don’t mind as long as it doesn’t fall apart when I read it. Like yeah if I pay for a new soft cover I’d like it to be in new condition but I’m not going to lose my mind over a tear or something

      If I’m buying used then it really doesn’t matter again as long as it’s not falling apart. I actually find blatantly used books with cracked spines and stuff pretty charming. Tells me the book has seen a lot of use, which makes me happy.

    8. ordinary_kittens on

      I don’t care much unless I’m buying the book new as a gift for someone. However, I think you’re well within your right to care. 

      The one thing I would never be able to stand in a book, though, is water damage. They end up all warped and gross-smelling.

    9. If I’m buying online, I almost always buy used. New books always seem to arrived slightly damaged. I think you need to baby them to get them through the warehousing and shipping process without a mark, and vendors are just treating them like any other piece of merchandise.

      I think you have cause to return, but I wouldn’t necessarily expect better ones if you reorder.

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