September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Do you have a system? Do you let your feelings decide for you? Or do you pick completely random?

    I have a few ways to pick my next read. The most common one is by feeling, I sometimes get a 'craving' for a particular book and I decide to read that one next, although my cravings usually end up being post-poned a bit because I first have to finish some other books. (For example, I recently bought a book that I really want to read, but I first have to finish the book I'm currently reading AND the sequel, only then I can give in to my craving.) This will also sometimes result in the craving being gone by the time I actually get to reading the book.

    Another common way is a sort of schedule, when I want to read a specific book in a specific time. (For example, when I read The Color Purple right before the new movie was released, so I could see the movie after I finished the book.) This also doesn't fully work out, like when I wanted to read a very long book in June because I had the month off from school/work, but it ended up taking me three months to finish it. I like this way because it gives me a bit of structure in my life, and it's a good way to systematically get through my (very large) TBR.

    Sometimes, when I'm feeling crazy, I pick (semi-)randomly. I have made one of those 'wheel of fortune' thingies where I put on a few of my 'cravings' at the time and let fate decide, I have scrolled through my Goodreads' TBR with my eyes closed at stopped at random, and I have even hovered my hand above all the books on my bookshelf with closed eyes to pick a book that way. (I don't remember if I actually ended up reading a book that way.) It usually works kinda like flipping a coin, when you think you don't care about the answer, but then fate give you the 'wrong' one and you end up picking the thing you subconsciously wanted the whole time.

    So, how do you pick which book to read next?

    by MaraMontenero

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