September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I sometimes go back to read few favorite scenes/quotes from my all time favorite books, but I don't reread entire books.

    It happened with two books. I read Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka in English and in my native language and I read Junji Ito's manga adaptation of No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai after previously reading the book. That's about it.

    I feel like I don't have enough time to read all the books on my tbr, especially since my major includes constant reading (English language and literature) so it often leads to a slump. Sometimes the pressure of finding the perfect book to read gets to me as well. Although, I don't have a problem with DNF-ing books, but most of the time I don't do it completely(?). I just leave it for later when I'm in the mood.

    I do love rewatching my favorite shows and films though 😭

    by AllOfUsAreD3ad


    1. I’ve re-read The Hobbit and LOTR more times than I care to count. I stopped keeping the tally at nine. the same goes for the Dune Saga (only the originals, not that garbage by the son).

      I’ve read the entirety of Terry Pratchett’s writings four times and I’m in the middle of the fifth.

      I’ve re-read the entirety of Asimov, Arthur Conan Doyle and Jules Verne in the last 2 years.

      Some things are just to good not to revisit.

    2. Sure. It’s kind of like visiting an old friend. I don’t do it a lot because there are a lot of books out there, but sometimes none appeal, whereas an old favorite does.

    3. I do. A lot of times I pick up more details in the second read since I already know what’s going to happen.

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