September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Before I had kids, I was one of those insufferable people who read 52 books a year and made sure to tell everyone about it. You know what I mean. Mostly I read Fantasy and Sci-Fi, Terry Prachett and Brandon Sanderson were my absolute favourites.

    My daughter is turning 3 at the end of the year my book average is about 5 a year now. I have time to read now, but every time I do, I just can't seem to focus for more than 3 minutes and I get caught up in day dreaming, todo list scrolling or sucked down the Reddit vortex.

    I can't help but wonder if I'm such a different person after have run the gauntlet of 2u2 and survived it, that maybe I need to try out something different. I've only really read fantasy or Sci-Fi for the past 18 years, so I don't even know where to start on other genres, or even just other authors in the same genre. I know there's such a huge variety out there that something will appeal to me.

    I guess what I'm asking is, what books would you recommend for someone who doesn't particularly care for genres, but wants something gripping that will keep her coming back. I know I need characters that I can really care about and I love to play the game of guessing the twist at the end.

    Some of my favourite books in Fantasy and Sci-Fi, aside from previously mentioned authors, have been:

    This is how you lose the time war

    Flowers for Algernon

    Sandman comics

    The Davebad Trilogy

    The Green Bone Saga

    Good Omens

    The Black Magician Trilogy

    The Old Kingdom Collection

    Special mention to my all time favourite book, the Thirteenth Tale, which is indeed not fantasy or Sci-Fi

    Alternatively, I absolutely can't stand Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, ASOIAF, the King Killer Chronicals or Dune. My favourite TV shows were Dr Who, Buffy and Firefly but more recently I've been absurdly into Call The Midwife? Was always a big DnD player and even though I don't have time to play now I am obsessed with Dimension 20 and the Crit Show still, which makes me think I do still have that love in me somewhere.

    Thanks for reading until the end. Fingers crossed someone has some ideas for me.

    by hippo20191

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