September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    hiya! i'm new to this community so i hope i'm doing this right. i work at a small bookshop in a train station and i've been put in charge of the nonfiction section of the shop close to a year ago. it's super fun work and we get a lot of compliments about our shop's unique selection of books and fun vibe. my question is, what is your favourite nonfiction book of all time? or one that you've recommended to a friend before? we already have a ton of psychology, business and self help stuff so i'm mostly looking for more niche things, or funny, or feel-good books. bonus point if they're something you'd gift to someone else!
    we also always like to match the books we sell at the shop with the season, so at the moment we're preparing a cozy and spooky theme for fall 🙂

    by hcneysuckle_

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