September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Looking for a particular type of twist where the narrator is either not character you thought they were, or the perspective (first/third person or whatever) is itself hiding some kind of twist.

    Going to drop massive Zero Escape spoilers for my examples, for the love of god don't click the spoiler tags if you haven't played these and want to.

    In 999 you're lead to believe you're playing as Junpei. You're actually playing as Akane in the past, looking through Junpei's eyes to view potential future timelines. You don't actually directly control Junpei until the very end with the sudoku (or whatever they changed it to in the remake)

    In Virtue's Last Reward it turns out you were actually in a like 70 year old body the whole time and you didn't know because the game uses first person POV and you never see your own face until the reveal.

    Zero Time Dilemma leads you to believe it's third person POV, but it turns out you're playing as a character you previously didn't know existed, and it was first person POV all along.

    I'm looking for something that does this kind of thing, but in book form.

    by FinalDemise

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