September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    (Note: Please not “The House in the Cerulean Sea”)

    As the title said, looking for books to read while going through basically a mental health crisis. My nervous system has gone haywire and I’m anxious 24/7. All the books I’ve tried either I can’t concentrate on them or they give me anxiety. Thanks in advance!

    by PotentialMoose4


    1. I don’t know. Maybe “Rainbow Valley” or “The Story Girl”, both by LM Montgomery? It’s public domain so free ebook downloads are easy to find.

    2. Tea_and_Biscuits12 on

      A Psalm for the Wild Built by Becky Chambers. Lots of cozy calm vibes. Science fiction without the doom and gloom and apocalyptic elements.

    3. Have you tried “Heal Your Nervous System: The 5–Stage Plan to Reverse Nervous System Dysregulation” by Dr. Linnea Passaler?

      Or maybe search a “Mindfulness” or “Zen” book and see what looks good to you to try?

      What kind of books have you enjoyed lately?

    4. doomduck_mcINTJ on

      on the nose: Hope and Help for Your Nerves – Claire Weekes (a little oldskool, but also a lot comforting)

      off the nose: The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet – Becky Chambers

    5. I usually turn to young adult books when I’m overwhelmed. They’re easier to read and the subject matter is usually more fluffy than adult books.

      My favorites are the Inheritance Cycle, the Inkheart series, the Hunger Games, and Harry Potter. Also worth a look is the Redwall series.

      I hope you’re feeling much better soon!

    6. Katharine_Heartburn on

      You need escapism! When I was having the worst year of my life, I read tons of Agatha Christie books. Page turner murder mysteries that aren’t dark or emotional! Neat little puzzles. The perfect distraction for the unquiet mind.

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