September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    CW: child abuse (nothing detailed)

    I'm honestly just looking for something to read that I can relate to, I'm hoping to find something in my high school library to read because I don't want to spend money. If not that, then your average public library is also fine.

    Preferably it's mainly about emotional abuse or neglect, I know there's probably a lot of stories about physical abuse, but there's other types of abuse that people don't talk about enough.

    Also preferably it's not focused on romance, I'm not interested in romance myself and usually it's just REALLY boring and corny, and it doesn't feel like the right thing for the type of book I'm looking for.

    Neurodivergence being a topic (autism, adhd, learning disabilities, ect.) would also be nice, but not necessary.

    Sorry if this is overdetailed and too specific, I'm bad at finding books I like for myself.

    Edit: Also not interested in sexual abuse/assault related stories, please stop recommending them.

    by FroggoOfTruth


    1. Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine. Neurodivergent MC, narcissist mother, emotional abuse and neglect (and physical, to some degree, but not very detailed). Happy ending and overall pretty emotional book. Hope things start looking up for you soon <3

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