October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Let me start by saying that I love brandon sanderson work. His storm archive series was the best thing I ever read. But man did I strugle to read mistborn everyone says that it’s one of the the best trilogy in fiction and I understand that the magic system is very innovative and interesting. But regardless the story is ass. I read up to book 2 and it felt like an absolute drag.

    My main gripe is Elend , the most bland and boring character that I ever seen. I still can’t get over the fact that they made him king in the first book that was so outrageous to me. Years of subjugation thousands of deaths and torture to achieve the impossible and then we put a noble as our king . Stellar. And I understand that the commoners weren’t ready for a leader position or whatever but I feel like there was so many candidates that could beat elend’s philosophy club

    but regardless into the next point. Romance in a book if done right can elevate it but if done poorly you get elend and vin. No chemistry I still can’t remember a conversation that wasn’t cringe worthy or awkward. But I can actually excuse that there are bigger things to focus on the story; if the author didn’t make it a point to remind you every 2-3 pages that they love each other. Some of these moments were so random that I literally laughed. Vin would be jumping from roof to roof when she suddenly remembered how much she loves elend and how much he deserves someone better blah blah blah 2 page of how great elend is.

    And That also would’ve been fine if he was actually great. But let me ask you this tell me something that elend did that was amazing or helpful other than writing the law (sazed helped for most of it) . I’ll name you two instances that I can’t sleep at night thinking of. Elend way underestimated his father to an infuriating level. He basically went there no plan,no strategy for fighting if shit hit the fan (other than vin will handle it),nothing. He was so arrogant and adamant that he can handle his father I face palmed many time. And when I obviously didn’t work out he used vin as a threat. This is the only person that is qualified to be a king?

    Oh and I hate that when ever they talk about him they always use the same compliment he’s a kind /nice person. Because that’s the most you can give his character.It’s such a low bar that it’s laughable yet people keep using it over and over again like we’re supposed to be impressed.

    Let’s not even talk about how he messed up every thing else inside the walls. I was actually happy when they kicked his incompetent ass out of the office because he didn’t do anything. His plan was “I’m not gonna surrender but don’t count on me to come up with something else”.

    The second instance is how after he lost his seat as a king and said that if that’s what the people wanted (even the commoners didn’t like btw) that he wasn’t king anymore. But the books end with him leaving the city with 3 armies surrounding it and then coming back a day or two later to find himself king of all of them including every other city in the continent and the koloss under him.

    He was so irrelevant to the final battle that he was hiding when he came to the city because he didn’t know he was king. the fucking irony. He got everything handed to him while being the most useless and incompetent person ever. And he ACCEPTED it. What happened to his morals of “I cAn’t tAke pOwer FoRceFullY” or “ThE PeOpLe DeCide”.

    And just to piss everyone with a brain at the end elend becomes a mistborn. Great. because there wasn’t anything that he couldn’t have. The least deserving person of this power. I would’ve been happier if spook got it.

    I’ll probably still read the last book cause why not. But hopefully elend isn’t so relevant in it (jk I know he probably the hidden main character or something I can see it from a mile away. And elend gets a bj from every lady of the continent because he’s a nice person the end)

    by HxH11


    1. Paragraphs are your friend

      ETA – thanks for putting in some line breaks, so much easier to read!

    2. Book 2 was disappointing. Normally a trilogy goes up in scale (town, kingdom, planet) but Sanderson downscaled it in book 2. And I also didn’t like Elend. Maybe it will make you feel better that his name in German means Misery.

    3. Apprehensive-Pie5701 on

      I don’t understand how people don’t like Mistborn.

      Everyone has their own taste in books lol

    4. Book two wasn’t great, but book three really makes up for it, I feel, especially in regards to Spook.

      Then follow it up with “Mistborn: Secret History;” *chefs kiss*

      The sequel trilogy is also quite fun.

    5. MillionDollarDoggo on

      I also hated Elend. The fact that he would bring a stack of books to a ball, and that was supposed to be so cute and different. You don’t need a stack bro, you could just bring one.

    6. The whole “I don’t want to take power forcefully” went to the wayside when he realized that a godlike being was hell bent on destroying the world and his own desires and morals needed to be compromised in order to win.

    7. AlphaElectronMale on

      “I don’t understand why Marvel adults on reddit love this children’s book so much!”

    8. CoastalSailing on

      Just finished book 4.

      It was so bad.

      Characterization, plot, dialogue.

      Wooden, clunky, derivative

    9. BlazeOfGlory72 on

      Yeah, Elend sucks. I found him so annoying in Well of Ascension that I almost dropped the series. Ultimately I’m glad I persevered because I very much enjoyed the later books, but that character felt very much like some anime self insert. Seriously, >!the bookish nerd somehow has the sexy super powered girl fall head over heels for him after one meeting, he becomes King just because he is such a good dude, and he becomes the not just a Mistborn, but the most powerful Mistborn in the world.!< Fuck off.

      Fun drinking game for y’all. Take a drink every time someone calls Elend “a good man” in Well of Ascension. You’ll die of liver failure in a few chapters.

    10. I wasn’t a huge fan of mistborn either, it was a really hard book for me to get into because of how simple a book it was. People kept recommending it to me, but it took me years to get into. I enjoyed the sequel series better

    11. doobersthetitan on

      I think Elend was boring on purpose and what made Vinn like him.

      While others were worried about politics and maneuvering. He just kept to himself.

      He wasn’t ready to be a king or leader, hince that whole story arc of him LEARNING to act like a king. And him being outcast.

      He was a very B type personality but needed to rewire himself to be more assertive. Plus, him coming back to save his city…showed everyone he wasn’t in it for the power or fame. But to be a leader, and try and lead to something better.

    12. I enjoyed the trilogy but I would agree with some of your points and that Elend was overrated. I wasn’t overly connected to the characters but I felt the plot and fantasy elements are what kept me reading, especially towards the end of Well of Ascension.

      Still, I never understood how people thought the series was the pinnacle of fantasy or fiction.

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