September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    i currently live in a middle Eastern country where almost everything is negotiable, the problem is, i have no idea how to do it, whenever i try i get a response that feels like the shop owner is slapping me in the face, so i buy it for the original price.

    please note that i need it to apply for things that cost 100$ or less, because most of what i found when i looked for this sort of books was talking about million dollar deals or more while having teams to negotiate or someone representing something. i just wanna buy cloths and normal everyday things.

    by A7madAb26


    1. FeedbackSpecific642 on

      Try haggling for something you don’t want or need and see how close you can get it to 10% of the asking price. You don’t have to buy the item of course and if it looks that you’ve nearly made a deal, wave them off and walk away. If you do that a few times you’ll soon learn how to haggle.

    2. My mother in law should open a school for this! She once tried to haggling at the supermarket, where there is no way to get a better price even if you are the president of the country.

      The response was almost the same every time, she showed some interest, then she said something bad about the product, and when she is told the price she respond with a very low amount. Then she says she doesn’t want it, it’s not a good product, she even left once and got back after some minutes to ask for a better price.

      In Greece there is not very common, but from where she is from is normal practice.

    3. Well, the problem is you are looking at this like a conflict and not as something fun(which it is not for most people) and we all want to end a conflict as soon as possible, but that’s why many women are so good at it, that haggling becomes a part of their buying habit. The Book I can recommend from where I have taken the above example is “Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss. It has some great insights about negotiation in general(from a hostage to a car). The author has been to many podcasts you can check them out and see if you find it worth the time.

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