September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    After my mom cancer’s diagnosis I’m finding really hard to enjoy life. I struggled from depression in the past and I’m feeling that I’m going on that path again. It started the same way, nothing in my life would bring me joy, even the things I like. So maybe a book that can bring me a positive introspection, but not midnight library, I didn’t liked that book. Thank you!

    by Neither-Proof-5755


    1. When my daughter was diagnosed with cancer, I turned to a super silly series called ‘space team’. By Barry Hutchinson… they’re about a conman that accidentally gets put on a ‘team’ of space folks … while at the same time everyone on earth is killed… he’s the only survivor…

      It is beyond ridiculous… and it is SO damn funny… easily one of the funniest things I’ve ever read…

      And oddly poignant…

      It was the right book at the right time so to speak… I desperately needed something to make me smile and laugh, but also something that felt like it understood me, and that I was going through sone heavy stuff… these books somehow do that…

      The guy who wrote it, came up with the idea for the series when HIS mom was sick..

      I spoke with him via email a few times when I started the series, mainly to tell him how much it meant to me…. He’s SUCH a great guy…

      My daughter is better now, and cancer free and half way through university now..
      The treatment took about 2.5 years, and most of it was hell in earth… but she made it through…

    2. Sorry to hear this…
      I would recommend The Power of Now.
      I listened to the audiobook, some of it is a bit out there, but essentially it is about being in the present and not dwelling on the past or worrying about the future.

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