September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I just finished The Body Keeps The Score after the traumatic birth of my son rocked my world and sent me into postpartum depression. I feel really good and 95% better! However, there's that 5% I would love to help address. The 5% I need to heal isn't about my birth trauma tho, it's actually about my jealousy and lack of ability to be happy for people. (Example: My best friend had a baby two months after me and her birth went perfectly and I still resent her and her daughter.) I KNOW this is wrong and I desperately want to fix it. Can you please recommend a self-help book in this vein?

    by PrestigiousGrass409


    1. ABCDEFG_Ihave2g0 on

      The Untethered Soul

      Congratulations on having your baby. I’m sorry you had a traumatic experience bringing him into the world.

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