November 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I was reading Dickens today and I noticed he uses a narrative style where the main character is telling the story, but from being an older version, seemingly, of the character actually in the plot. This is in Great Expectations.

    (No spoilers please) (if possible)

    Either that or we’re supposed to assume that this character, no longer a child, also just has brilliant vocab, phrasing, and a masterful grasp of story telling. Hahah

    Then a read a more modern book. Recently published. That had an interesting narrative style. It was the author clearly tells the story… but also has a sort of favoritism toward the protagonist. I thought this was compelling. It was engaging. Like watching a film or series that I really like (guilty pleasure).

    I also noticed a lot of recently published books have a first person narrative from the protagonist’s perspective. Also that this style almost needs a humor and comedy to sustain it.

    Anyway.. anyone read any cool narrative styles? That they liked or dislike recently??

    by Confident-Till8952

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