September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Follow Me to Ground by Sue Rainsford is an excellent example of what I'm looking for: quiet books where nothing much happens, and by the end you may not really be sure what happened, actually. Beautiful prose. Surreality a bonus but not required. More about the writing style and the atmosphere than any semblance of traditional plot. A detached quality, almost.

    Helpmeet by Naben Ruthnum scratched this itch a while back. Piranesi by Susanna Clarke too, possibly, although it's a slightly different beast to my mind. And some of Virginia Woolf's and Cormac McCarthy's books.

    I can also read fairly well in French, on the off chance you know of something that hasn't been translated.

    Thank you so much for your time!

    by dowsemouse

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