September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ll start this by saying that I don’t “love” Heaven, but I still find myself reading it once or twice every year since I first got it in 2012.

    There’s just something about Heaven (or any of Mieko Kawakami’s other books, for that matter) that pulls me in like nothing else does.

    I’m not sure I fully “get” the story even after reading it dozens of times, so it’s kind of a weird feeling.

    by ffsstfualready

    1 Comment

    1. I keep finding myself thinking about Heaven, and I’m surprised that it doesn’t get mentioned more often as it really packs a punch. You could try the novella *I Called Him Necktie*, by Milena Michiko Flasar – unlike Heaven this novel is ultimately an uplifting read (albeit with dark themes), but has the same dream-like or even hyper-real quality I felt when reading Heaven.

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