September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    This might be an unusual post, but i figured that this is a very big community and i might get lucky in finding some answers. I'm interested in reading some novels written in a specific first-person narrative because of a very intense dream that has stuck with me.

    The events in the dream were narrated by the main character, a man around 40, who is on his deathbed and is sharing his life story from the past 20 years with the reader. He narrates in the first person and is speaking in a very direct manner to the reader, referring to him/her as "old friend", "buddy", and other similar terms in my native language. I know that the narrator is talking to the reader and not some other unnamed character because the narrator knows that his story is being read from a book, and he uses the book as a medium to tell his story and share it directly to his "old friend", the reader. I think it is also worth mentioning that the narrator doesn't know that he is a fictional character, and that in the way that he is narrating his story leaves no possibility that the terms he uses for the reader could refer to different readers, but only "YOU", the individual who is who is holding the book and reading it. Sorry if this got a bit rambly, i really wanted to emphasize the directness of the narration because i think that element of the dream made the biggest impact to me. Thank you for reading this and cheers.

    by NN-23


    1. Everyone in my Family has Killed Somone (and the follow-up Everyone on this Train is a Suspect) both have a very direct, hey I’m only talking to you the reader narrative style. Might be something you enjoy!

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