September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Please help me find a fiction novel to hook my son in.
    He has just started secondary school (aged 11) and although he has always loved being read to and sharing books with me, he has never been great at reading to himself.

    He is currently awaiting the results of an ADHD/ADD assessment. He struggles to stay focused and take in what he is reading unless something really hooks him in.

    He is really into history, and we have read tons of non fiction history books as well as many Horrid History books.
    He also has a great sense of humour and loves comedies.

    Books he has enjoyed in the past are Diary Of A Wimpy Kid, some David Walliams books and a few goosebumps/point horror stories.

    I am now looking for something with a bit more substance and that requires more stamina
    ( we need to build this up).

    I was thinking of The Outsiders as I read that around his age and I think he would really get into it, but then I remembered how deeply affected I was by the ending, so much so I had to hide the book away under clothes in my drawer, as the front cover alone would have me bawling my eyes out in a heap on my bed (so dramatic). He is possibly even more sensitive than I was, so thinking it’s best to put that one on the back burner for now.

    I think he would love books about teenage boys friendships, especially if there are lots of funny moments.

    But I am open to all suggestions…

    by Ashamed_Trip_7208

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