September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    About 10 years ago I was a real reader, I was reading through Choke, Haunted, and Lullaby by Chuck Palahniuk. I was also really into what Permuted Press was printing too. I have a Kindle, so perhaps I don't have an excuse, but… I'm just not reading.

    I'm into the bits and pieces I've picked up on Warhammer. I like the "grimdark" settings. Audiobooks could be useful to me?

    Where would you start? What do you recommend? Where do you get a bargain book these days? I'm in the UK where there's a discount bookstore called the Works, but I think I'm too specific for what they're selling.

    by Anime-guy545


    1. Smooth-Review-2614 on

      So the Warhammer series is old enough that I would not be surprised to find it in a used book store.  People generally recommend the Horus Heresy series as it tells the history of the setting. However, you could probably pick up any book and try it.

    2. I find deals for ebooks through – free sign up, tell it what genres you’re interested in and where you want to buy from, (in your case amazon uk for your kindle) and you’ll get a daily email with free or very discounted books.

    3. Warhammer 40k rec: the Eisenhorn series by Dan Abnett. It’s not deep, but it’s high-quality pulp adventure. The omnibus edition includes with some short stories, which are also great.

      Other SF rec: the Vorkosigan Saga by Lois McMaster Bujold. I normally say to start with Shards of Honor, which is the chronological beginning (besides a loosely connected prequel set long before), but if you want something attention-grabbing, you might start with The Warrior’s Apprentice, as it has more of a fun heist thriller con-artistry plot.

      Contemporary rec: Complicity by Iain Banks

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