July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I know about ‘Mistborn’ and ‘The Stormlight Archive’ series, I’m not touching ‘A song of ice and fire’ until its completed, As much as I’ve tried I can’t get \*into ‘\*The Lord of the Rings,’ and I plan on reading ‘The Dark Tower’ series eventually but not right after I finish WoT.

    EDIT: More than 3 books\* Silly me.

    EDIT: Thank you for all the suggestions, every one had peaked my interest and even if i don’t pick them up immediately they’ll be going on my never ending list haha!

    by Mutualistic_Butcher


    1. Robin Hobb has a series of trilogies following the same character starting with Farseer Trilogy.

      As for LOTR Id suggest the recent audiobooks narrated by Andy Serkis. I had trouble getting into them via my eyeballs but Serkis brings the text to life in a pretty engaging way

    2. Consistent-Ease-6656 on

      Terry Goodkind, The Sword of Truth series. A coworker gave me a few of those, as well as his Wheel of Time books. I thought I’d hate them, but I was sucked in.

    3. David Eddings’ Elenium/ Tamuli

      Black Jewels, Bishop (I also like to rec this after WoT, for a gendered magic written by a woman)

      Symphony of Ages, Haydon

    4. geobibliophile on

      The Death Gate Cycle by Weis and Hickman is fantasy, but I don’t know whether anyone else would consider it to be in the vein of WoT. I enjoyed it though, and it’s complete! I, too, don’t plan on trying ASoIaF until it’s complete (which it may never be).

    5. The Coldfire Trilogy by CS Friedman is a great blend of sci-fi and fantasy and they’re worth more than WoT.
      Dune is an obviously choice but it gets weirdly lusty by book 5.

    6. Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn by Tad Williams. Has 3 books in the trilogy plus a handfull more that take place in the same world of Osten Ard.

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