September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I'm aware of what this book might be about. I have heard a lot of criticism about this book online. But, I have also heard a lot of positive comments about this book. Some people have described the book as a really beautiful piece of literature and I don't want to miss out on it.

    I have been postponing reading this book due to my fear of it being too painful for me. I was sexually abused for years in my childhood. I'm in my early twenties now and I still get nightmares. The memories are fresh like yesterday. Things have only become worse. I don't know when will it get better. So, it's safe to say I haven't even started my healing journey, if that's even possible.

    I must say that I've read about SA of adult characters in some books and the journey of the same character thereafter has been a sort of companion. I feel like there's someone who understands me. At least a little.

    I've never really read much about CSA in books. I'm more afraid of it being written in a subtle way than in a graphic way.

    What are your reasons for loving or hating this book?
    Are there any graphic descriptions in the book? And do you think I should give this book a chance?

    by redviolence


    1. baddreammoonbeam888 on

      Hmm, personally I don’t think you should read it. The whole novel is in the POV of the abuser Humbert.

      And (spoiler alert/tw?) he convinces himself Dolores, the abused child, is into it and loves him too. So yeah I don’t think this is the book for you, not now and possibly not ever

    2. thegoldendragon7678 on

      I would say yes. Without spoiling much, part of the point of the book is that the (unreliable) narrator is expressing that the child wants him back and makes advances to tempt him. 

      Adding to that, it is quite graphic and detailed when it comes to talking about how he viewed children (so think about how romance novels would detail the way someone’s hips moves but… children). 

      I like the book a lot and I was groomed as a child, but I think the circumstances were different and it wasn’t too hard for me. 

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