September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi! Going through a hard year this year. Started off with a separation, and planning for a divorce after a longer (ish) marriage. Planning on doing therapy, but books can't hurt either. I have a couple things I would need to work on. Plannyon doing the 52 books for the year challenge.

    What books would you recommend for:
    Confidence, self esteem, assertiveness
    General marriage/Relationship books ( even though I'm getting a divorce, I'm still open to these types of books. I figured can't hurt to have more knowledge)
    Books on grace/self forgiveness
    General therapy related
    General self-help related

    Thank you in advance!

    by Kehau2020

    1 Comment

    1. Look at Hold Me Tight- which covers attachment and relationships. It might be enlightening to consider the “dances” we do with others to maintain/avoid connection. Also, look into Nicole LaPera How to Be the Love you Seek.

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