September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    We all have books that we really wanted to love but ended up being a true disappointment or a waste of time.
    Mine is Beartown by Fredrick Backman (and given the Goodreads ratings I am part of the minority lol). I really wanted to enjoy this book as I was a huge fan of his other work Anxious People but this was a struggle to read. I found the pacing of the book too slow and how the book switches between the POVs of like ten characters all the time quite confusing. The book was dragging the same “dilemmas” throughout the 500 pages which I felt made no sense. There is no hesitation on what’s the right to do but the characters took their sweet time making up their minds. And it was infuriating to wait hundreds of pages for them to decide doing the right easy thing.
    So what book recently (or not) disappointed you? 🫶

    by omg_levisimp

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