September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Today is the one year anniversary of my Dad’s death. As a cheer me up gift, my girlfriend bought me a signed first edition copy of the latest book in the series, Lightbringer. I absolutely adore this book series. I am almost finished with the second to last book in the series, Dark Age. My question is, do I read the signed copy? I’ve never had a signed book before and I really treasure this gift. I also really want to start the series as soon as possible. Book collectors, what do you recommend? Do you read signed copies? It is a personalized signature as well which makes it even tougher to decide. Thanks for any advice. Plus I know Lightbringer isn’t the final book in the series, just the final one out.

    by PaulBunyanTrophy


    1. I’d read it, but I’m very careful with my books.

      If you are someone who tends to spill things on your books or damage them when reading them then no.

    2. usemyfuckholes on

      I would read it, but if you feel anxious about it maybe just see if you can get a copy from the library 🙂

    3. No-Scarcity2379 on

      A first edition signed copy of Lightbringer is worth approximately 3 more dollars on Abebooks than an unsigned copy.

      With living authors who happily sign a lot of books, outside of sentimental value, there isn’t a lot added that will make it a collector’s item down the road. It might be different if it was a deceased author who was notoriously tight fisted with their signed copies, but even then, a signature doesn’t add a lot of value unless you’re talking the absolute cream of the crop of a writing generation.

      Read it, enjoy it, and let it be a reminder that you are loved.

    4. I think the book would be more meaningful as a keepsake if you actually used it. Plus the resale value on signed copies of modern books is generally trivial so you needn’t worry about that aspect.

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