September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    i want to pick up reading again—i haven’t read since may—but my list of tbr is so long and overwhelming that idk where to start 🙁

    past books i’ve enjoyed: TIHYLTTW, the Miseducation of Cameron Post, the Price of Salt, the Secret History, the World Cannot Give, and One of Us is Lying

    genres i enjoy/might enjoy: mystery/crime/detective, vampires—but im pretty much open to anything the sounds good, lol! oh, and as long as the main relationship is between two women.

    any recommendations/advice would be appreciated <3 💕💕

    by Time_Detective9083


    1. Recently a friend loaned me Virtuoso by Yelena Moskovich and I looooved it. It’s a super easy read so would be great for getting back into books but doesn’t lack for elegance of plot and quality writing. I’m not sure what genre I’d call it besides “fiction” but it definitely has some surrealist moments. All the main characters are lesbians.

    2. Past-Wrangler9513 on

      The author of The Miseducation of Cameron Post has another book – Plain Bad Heroines. It’s horror but more fun spooky vibes.

    3. Correct-Leopard5793 on

      When Katie Met Cassidy by Camille Peri it’s a rom-com, it was fun fast read that I couldn’t put it down!

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