September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi Everyone,

    I'm a dude who for a while believed the Reddit hype (or hate really) about Colleen Hoover's books. But one day, I decided to give one of the "Maybe Someday" books a try. And "Dear Reader", I loved it! Almost all of the characters felt real, the major conflict was not some trivial miscommunication that could easily be solved with a simple conversation, and a deaf love interest? I feel like you never hear about that in romance books. Overall, it was extremely well done.

    I ended up reading 6 other books of hers (Layla, November 9th, Ugly Love, Confess, Heart Bones, and Too Late).

    Based on these books, I think she is a great writer who develops original plots and creates authentic chemistry between characters.

    So I started this post to hear what other people like about her works, as well as to get recommendations for which of her other books I should I read next (as an FYI November 9th was my favorite).

    I would love to hear from the parts of the Reddit community who enjoy her work and would like to share their thoughts.

    by LylesDanceParty

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