September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Having grown weary of reading about evil, manipulative, greedy, cruel or generally malevolent villains lately, I wanna read something where most (or better yet, all) characters are actually likeable and good people. Hopefully a book that still has some kind of stakes or conflict, but the conflict is not within the characters, if that makes sense? Like no one is actively causing harm to others and they are actually trying to help one another.

    Some examples of recent reads that fit the bill:

    • Days at the Morisaki Bookshop
    • Feral Creatures (there is a malevolent force, but… not on purpose?)
    • The Ladies' Midnight Swimming Club

    I guess tldr I am looking for books where the conflict is more on character vs. nature or character vs. self as opposed to character vs. character or character vs. society.

    by fortmeines

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