September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello, everyone!

    I'm staying in a remote town in China, the guesthouse has these 4 books in English that they so kindly offered for me to keep. However, I know very little of these authors. So, these are the choices:

    1. The road by Cormac McCarthy
    2. Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
    3. The count of monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas (I've only seen the 2002 movie)
    4. Survivor by Chuck Palahniuk ( I read fight club when I was a teenager and didn't like it much, however, it's the only book I read from this author, maybe I should try him again?)

    So, which one would you choose? Thank you

    by Pirate-Adorable


    1. The Count Of Monte Cristo. This book had set the bar so high for me that I don’t usually find any other good classics.

    2. Vincent-Peacoat on

      Personally, Monte Cristo, for sure. One of the all time great stories. Travels over great distances, spans over years, with stories of love, revenge, murder, adventure, friendship, betrayal, family, all while never feeling heavy or drawn out

      Meditations – nope. Couldn’t pay me to read it again.

      The Road is just heavy, sad, frustrating, and… Heavy. Good story, but these books have their time and place, I believe.

    3. ihavegarlicsalt on

      i love survivor, but if i had to choose between that and monte cristo i would choose monte cristo for sure

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