September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I am new to reading. Have not read a book in a few decades and have been a social media/phone addict. Bad habits spill over and I feel terrible for not reading to my 1 year old enough. Last week I decided that I am going to start the journey of self-improvement and one of the good habits I wanted to pick up was reading books. I had The Seven Husbands Of Evelyn Hugo at hand and enjoyed the book thoroughly. Looking for recommendations of books that are easy to read. I am not into fantasy or sci-fi books but realistic fiction if that makes sense. I appreciate the suggestions.

    by faizacn92


    1. City of Girls is a good read-a-like for Evelyn Hugo. Taylor Jenkins Reid’s other books too (Daisy Jones, Malibu Rising, and Carrie Soto are all in the same “universe.”)

      Nightbitch is popular with the mom crowd these days (I loved it!) The Push is another mom-related thriller, if you are interested.

    2. serialkillertswift on

      That’s awesome; good for you! I have three recommendations for relatively easy realistic fiction that you might enjoy.

      If you’re looking for a hilarious and wholesome mystery starring an elderly lady who owns a Chinese tea shop in San Francisco, with themes of aging and found family and young love and motherhood among others, I highly recommend *Vera Wong’s Unsolicited Advice for Murderers* by Jesse Sutanto. As an added bonus especially since you have a one-year-old, one of the characters is an adorable little toddler who actually has quite a lovely character arc in her own right. Admittedly it’s in part because Vera Wong reminds me of my grandmother, but this is one of my favorite books. It’s an absolute delight, such a fun read with lovable characters and a great story.

      If you’re looking for a hopeful, sweet, thoughtful, character-driven story, I recommend trying *What You Are Looking For is in the Library* by Michiko Aoyama. It’s a series of loosely connected stories of people who are at various life crossroads then meet this librarian who can tell what people are most in need of in their lives and recommend the perfect book. It’s an easy and enjoyable read that I could recommend to almost anybody.

      If you want more Taylor Jenkins Read, *Carrie Soto Is Back* was fun. It’s about a professional tennis player who comes back to the game years after retiring to try to win her record back after it’s beaten by another player. She’s a pretty brash and aggressive character, so you have to be okay with that, but IMO it’s fun to follow a character who many people might find quite unlikable.

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